Thursday, February 24, 2011

Scared dog...

I think Little Bit has to be the wimpiest dog ever… She really hates thunderstorms she get so scared and puts her tail under her rear and tries to hide. I really do feel bad because I have to leave her when she is so scared. This was her today during the thunderstorm before I left for work.

Austin Tx

We had a lot of fun in Austin this last weekend. While Lane was stuck in class I hung out by the pool and relaxed.

On Saturday night we went to Macaroni Grill for dinner it was really good. After dinner we went to the outdoor mall and did a little shopping (well I did Lane just went along for the ride). 

On Sunday Lane got done early so we decided to go to the arboretum. We were a little disappointed because there were no flowers (it was the end of February). We had a lot of fun though it was such a beautiful afternoon to just walk around.   


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Enjoying the weather..

  The weather was so nice outside this week that I just had to take the dogs out and play! I always feel bad when I can’t let them play after they have been inside all day. They loved it! They loved it so much they fell asleep soon after they came in. Lucy was so tired she fell asleep with her mouth open.


So when I first signed up to be a sub for Royse City we had to take a picture and get finger printed. Well little did I know they would be using my driver’s license picture as the picture for my badge… I think it so funny because some of the others look so young in there’s.


Poor Little Bit got stuck trying to get her tennis ball! Lane and I were watching TV when we heard her winning. Poor thing she has gotten a little husky and could not get out from under the couch. I have never seen a more pitiful dog!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day!

So at Scott elementary today they had a contest with the all the teachers and subs. We all got half a heart and had to find the other half. I was sitting in the class when one of the teachers told me that my heart matched the receptionist I went to the office and she had the other half of my heart and we won!! This is what we got lol.
I have the best hubby ever!! This is the cake he made me! 

I love my dogs...

I love my dogs! Just not when they getting their feet all dirty when I let them out! But I can’t stay mad for long when they look like this…  This is what happens when Lane is not home and I have to clean them both by myself.

Love my job!

I am now working at Royse City ISD as a sub and I love every minute of it!! I really feel this is where I am supposed to be right now. Here is a picture that one of the elementary school kids colored for me.